The Art of Controversial Writing: A Double-Edged Sword


Today there is a surge of dissenting writings from people. People continue to describe controversial things in their writings. If we look at religious writings, we will find such controversial writings that the common man gets tired of religion, for example: rights of women, distribution of inheritance, caliphate, wars, issues of slave women, editing of Quran and Hadith. etc. The result is that people keep moving away from religion.

Similarly, if there is a difference in history, only the things that are in dispute will be treated with extreme aggression. The same is the case with politics and other topics. At the same time, the writing style is so aggressive that the personalities who are criticizing the research, they go from research to personalities. The benefit of such writings is that people pay more attention to such 'writers'. People are openly talking about controversial topics in private forums and are hurling criticisms, but when questions are put to them, there is no answer.

The current trend is that if anything controversial is seen, it is forwarded and there is no question of research. The disadvantage of this is that good 'subjects' are stained in such a way that they cannot be erased. Common problems seen in such texts are:

1. Not considering the context of the subject on which it is written.

2. Lack of complete access to the article.

3. Just contribute by writing in support of a concern.

4. Do not write anything for improvement after making the mistake clear (if there is a mistake).

5. Doubts will arise in people.

Such writings do nothing but spread anarchy in the society. It is not just writing controversial things, but whatever is being written, even if it is controversial, but its objectives, conclusions and suggestions are also important so that a reader can take something from this writing in his pocket. If one has a critical mind, and wants to write controversial things, then he must write, so that he can express his opinion openly and give others a chance to think about it. If there is no critical mind, then new thinking cannot arise in the society. Some people judge by appearances, but on the contrary, there are some people who think from a new angle, their concern makes people think that if they really look at the subject from this point of view. It can be understood better. Good writing should keep the following points in mind:

1. I have complete knowledge about the topic I am writing about.

2. Context remains in view.

3. Follow the principles of criticism.

4. Criticism should be constructive.

5. Write beyond the personal.

6. Write the objectives of the writing.

7. Write your conclusions so that people can draw their own conclusions by understanding the opinion.

8. Also write some suggestions at the end of your writing so that it ends well.

Reform of the society can never be done only by recounting the mistakes of the past. The West has turned from its mistakes and is now continuously moving forward (knowledge and research). If you read the writings of great people, you will find that when they criticized, they pointed out the mistakes. Also give corrections and suggestions to people so that people can learn from mistakes and move in the right direction


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